Friday, April 18, 2008

Fighting Blind: Or How I Learned to Love (Fantasy) Sports

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone in the UPL leagues that I have no idea what I'm doing. Its fine, most of the people playing fantasy sports can't really claim to know what they're doing either. What sets me apart is that I'm actually using fantasy sports to learn how the actual sport works.

Roland has been telling me for years that I needed to learn about sports. Mostly because he was tired of looking at the blank stare on my face while he gushed out about bad calls and bad choices that meant absolutely nothing to me. But he was also looking out for me in a way, because he was tired of me being useless in conversation and at that point in my life so was I. But I'm a lazy punk and just didn't have it in me to follow sports on the day-to-day basis - I needed something to be working towards.

So when the opportunity arose to jump in on the UPL baseball league last summer, I jumped on it. And hey, it turned out to be a great thing! I was able to carry on a conversation about sports! And I gave enough of a shit to keep the conversation going. Then the opportunity came to jump in on the UPL football league. I did some research, but still didn't understand the funciton of the Tight End well enough to realize that I probably didn't need to draft two of them early. Oops. And yeah, Vince Young as my Quarterback? Utter failure there.

Then somehow I won the fantasy football league, thwarting a Roland Slam.

I have no idea what I'm doing, for the most part.

But I might just be figuring it out.

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